
Executive and Steering Committees

Executive committee

The Executive Committee is made up of the Managing Director, the General Secretary, the Directors of Education and Research and the Head of Quality Management and Sustainable Development. The Executive Committee meets once every 15 days.

Steering committee

The Steering Committee is made up of members of the Executive Committee, heads of teaching departments and research unit directors, as well as managers responsible for cross-disciplinary missions.

See opposite "Organisation chart"


The Board is made up of 32 members representing the State, local authorities, scientific bodies, economic and agricultural activities, teaching and administrative staff and former students. The Chairman of the Board is elected by the members for a 3-year term.

The Board is the only deliberative body and decides on the school's project, the curriculum, the creation of degrees specific to Oniris, student recruitment procedures and research policy. It also votes on the budget and the financial accounts, as well as on student tuition fees. It meets two or three times a year.

It is chaired by an external figure from the world of research. The Director General and the Scientific Director of Oniris attend meetings in an advisory capacity. The Board is made up of 27 members representing teacher-researchers, leading scientists and industrialists, as well as outside figures from other schools or research bodies. It makes proposals to the Board of Directors concerning the institution's research policy. In particular, it gives its opinion on the allocation of research budget appropriations, the characteristics of teaching and research posts and the creation of research units. It also assesses research activities and results.

It is chaired by the Managing Director and comprises 15 professors and 15 senior lecturers. It advises the Board of Directors on teaching programmes, the awarding of degrees, proposals for the creation and modification of the institution's degrees and the characteristics of teaching and research posts.

It is chaired by the Managing Director. It is made up of 22 members representing teaching and research staff, students, administrative, engineering, technical, labour and service staff (AITOS), and prominent figures working in the fields of education, economics or research. The council gives its opinion on the direction of initial and continuing education, on the rules governing studies, and on the curricula and assessment procedures. It gives its opinion to the Board on proposals to create or modify its own degrees, on applications for accreditation to award national degrees, on the organisation of departments and on the school project or internal regulations in areas within its remit. It may propose measures to help students find their bearings and enter the world of work, and to promote the cultural, social and community activities available to them, as well as improvements to living, safety and working conditions and measures to support social welfare, medical and social services, libraries and documentation centres.

The development councils are the forum for consultation between each of the two sets of courses and their respective professional environments. Their role is to match the initial and continuing training provided with the needs expressed in terms of changes in the professions, jobs and qualifications concerned.

They bring together members of the educational community, professionals and students.

Organisation chart

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President of Oniris' Board


Managing Director of Oniris