Research at Oniris

Oniris is a player in higher education but also carries out research in the fields of human and animal health and food.

Research structuring

9 research units certified by the french ministry for agriculture and food

BIOEPAR Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animal Health | UMR INRAE

Director : Pr Nathalie BAREILLE

GEPEA Food-Environment-Process Engineering | UMR CNRS, IMT-A, Nantes Université, USC INRAE

Director : Pr Michel HAVET

LABERCA Laboratory for the Study of Residues and Contaminants in Food | UMR INRAE

Director : Pr Bruno LE BIZEC

PanTher Animal Physiopathology and BioTherapy of the muscle and nervous system | UMR INRAE

Director : Pr Marie-Anne COLLE

RMeS Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton | UMR Inserm, Nantes Université

Director : Pr Jérôme GUICHEUX

SECALIM Food Safety and Microbiology | UMR INRAE

Director : Dr Sandrine GUILLOU

IECM Cellular and Molecular Immuno-Endocrinology | USE INRAE

Director : Pr Julie Hervé

StatSC Statistics, Sensometry, Chemometric | USC INRAE

Director : Pr Evelyne VIGNEAU

NP3 Nutrition, Physiopathology, Pharmacology

Director : Pr Yassine MALLEM

9 partner research units hosting our scientists

BioTARGen Biology, genetics and osteoarticular and respiratory therapies

CRCI2NA Nantes - Angers Cancer and Immunology Research Center

CR2TI Center for Research in Transplantation and Translational Immunology

IGDR Institute Genetics & Development of Rennes

INCIT Immunology and New Concepts in Immunotherapy

IRF Fungal Respiratory Infections

Thorax Institute

LEMNA Nantes-Atlantique Economics and Management Laboratory

MICALIS Food microbiology at the service of health

Research topics

Research support platform areas of expertise

Biochemical analysis Exposome Animal models
Sensorial analysis Food Process Engineering Comparative Pathology
Bio-imaging Medical imaging Cereals products
Bioproduction Ultra-trace chemical measurements Veterinary clinical research
Experimental surgery Metabolomics Cell and gene therapies

Oniris is member of 2 Carnot Institutes

Oniris is a member of two Carnot institutes through the research activities of the BioEpar and Gepea units, which contribute their expertise at national and international level in a variety of ways: direct research, collaborative research, tests and trials on technology platforms, consultancy and expertise, joint laboratories, etc.

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Our main partners

[Translate to English:] partenaires recherche
[Translate to English:] partenaires oniris

Key figures

HDR = Accreditation to supervise research

Any question? Please, contact us!