School project

Following the various evaluations of the establishment carried out in 2021 (CTI, HCERES establishment and research units, AEEEV mid-term report) and in addition to the 2021-2026 contract of objectives and performance signed on October 7, 2021 with the supervisory authority, a process for revising the establishment's project has been initiated with the aim of submitting a shared document to the Oniris VetAgroBio Board of Directors.

Oniris VetAgroBio's general management wanted to be supported in this process, to facilitate the collective's commitment.


The text below is an extract from the school project, a summary of which can be found by clicking on the image on the right [Document in french].

We at Oniris VetAgroBio Nantes, a public institution of higher education and research*, make health and food the focus of our actions on behalf of society.

As a "Grande Ecole" training veterinarians, engineers, managers, technicians and researchers in the agri-food and health sectors, we are well aware of the fundamental role we play in society, and the responsibilities that this entails. That's why, with this manifesto, we are reaffirming our commitment, our ambition for excellence and our desire for openness through our major missions.

With our two campuses in Nantes, we are committed to open-ended research that is as close to the field as possible, mobilizing our fields of intervention, our accredited teaching programs and our platforms within renowned laboratories, and raising the profile of our contributions, discoveries and innovations.

In a changing world, we act daily to educate future generations, to make them aware of the challenges ahead, and to help them become competent professionals and active citizens, able to act as true mediators of the scientific knowledge that France and the world need.

We aspire to contribute to the development of the Grand Ouest region and its national and international influence, by acting in cohesion with all stakeholders and working to provide interdisciplinary and coordinated responses to the priorities set by public policy and society.

Searching, detecting, succeeding, anticipating the future: these are the ambitions that structure our raison d'être, facilitating transitions towards a sustainable world, preserving resources and ecosystems, and working, in an inclusive and respectful way, to advance human and animal well-being. In so doing, we promote quality of life for all, in the service of global health.

The 3 ambitions of the School Project


Oniris, an open and committed player in its region, serving societal challenges


Excellence, a pillar of identity and a driver of attractiveness


An exemplary, high-performance organization, a source of cohesion and well-being