Graduate studies at Oniris in English or in French

Erasmus+ charter

Internationalisation Statement


For both courses, information concern:

  • Degree-seeking students
  • Exchange students
  • Practical informations


Masters taught in English

  • PM3F : Project Management for Food Factories of the Futur
  • MAN-IMAL : From Animal to Man : Analysing and Managing Health and Food Risks

Nantes, key figures

With many graduate schools specializing in engineering, business, architecture, design and art, Nantes offers a unique array of courses in many different fields on an international scale.

Oniris, actor in changing world

Oniris is proactively committed towards the internationalization and requires its students (veterinarians and engineers) to enhance their training by discovering other cultures and working methods.

Network of partners

International Student Testimonial