Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animal Health

The Unit in a few clicks

The Unit at a glance

The BIOEPAR unit's research is aimed at managing farm animal health and veterinary public health, while taking into account the need to reduce the use of medicinal inputs and protect animal welfare. Our aims are to understand and act on the determinants and transmission of infectious diseases in farm animals, using a multidisciplinary and multi-scale approach.

Key words


Director of the Unit

Pr Nathalie BAREILLE

Unit website

Introducing the unit

The BIOEPAR Joint Research Unit (UMR) has 2 supervisory bodies, Oniris and INRAE.

Our research is part of the response to the following challenges:

  • Reducing the use of anti-infectious drugs in animal production (cattle, pigs and fish)
  • Health prevention at farm, regional and industry level,
  • The to changes adaptation of animal health management in farming systems.

Our aim is to understand and act on the determinants and transmission of infectious diseases in farm animals, using a multidisciplinary, multi-scale approach.

These objectives can be broken down into four research questions:

  • Evaluate methods and strategies for disease control and animal health management,
  • Measure health status and host reactions and understand how they are determined,
  • Understand the transmission and population dynamics of pathogens and vectors,
  • Characterise the variability of pathogens and vectors.

The unit brings together scientists from a wide range of disciplines, including epidemiology, modelling, artificial intelligence, parasitology, bacteriology, immunology, infectiology, pharmacology, genomics, ecology, evolutionary biology, economics and management sciences. This wealth of disciplines enables interdisciplinary research programmes to be developed.

The unit is part of the France Futur Elevage Carnot Institute.

The unit has 48 permanent staff (Oniris and INRAE), 7 contract staff and 11 PhD students. The unit is organised into 5 scientific teams:

Scientific teams and research objectives


Herd health - Public health (PEP'S team)

  • To improve programmes for monitoring and controlling endemic diseases in cattle populations in order to promote health, welfare and the prudent use of anti-infective drugs.

Modelling population dynamics and animal epidemiology (DynaMo team)

  • Understanding, anticipating and controlling the spread of animal diseases using mechanistic modelling: from intra-individual processes to large-scale epidemic dynamics, including decision-making and economic processes.

Clinical immunology of farm animals (ImmunoCare team)

  • Acting on the host respiratory system to limit the use of antimicrobials in cattle

Antibiotic resistance - Pathogenicity - Fish infectiology (APPIfish team)

  • Understanding resistance in aquatic environments and improving the medical approach in aquaculture

Ticks and tick-Borne Diseases (TiBoDi team)

  • Characterisation of the genetics and ecology of ticks and tick-borne pathogens in agro-ecosystems for animal and public health purposes

Director of the Unit

Pr Nathalie BAREILLE - Write to her

Assistant managers:

Pr Christine FOURICHON - Write to her

Thierry HOCH - Write to him

The Unit at a glance

The BIOEPAR unit's research is aimed at managing farm animal health and veterinary public health, while taking into account the need to reduce the use of medicinal inputs and protect animal welfare. Our aims are to understand and act on the determinants and transmission of infectious diseases in farm animals, using a multidisciplinary and multi-scale approach.