Contact us

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* The information collected about you is processed under the responsibility of the Managing Director, who is in charge of processing it, and is intended for the Oniris Communications Department, which is responsible for directing your request to the contact(s) best able to answer you: Veterinary Training Department, Engineering School, BTS School, Masters Training Manager, Research Department.

This data will be kept for 2 months.

To find out about and exercise your rights regarding the use of data collected via this form, please consult our legal notice.

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How to find us ?

Veterinary Campus

Veterinary training


101 Route de Gachet
44307 NANTES Cedex 3

Phone Number

02 40 68 77 77

Food Science Campus

Engineering and BTS training


Rue de la Géraudière
44322 NANTES Cedex 3

Phone number

02 51 78 54 54

Visit our pages

Engineering training

[Translate to English:] Une étudiante ingénieur dans la Halle de technologie

The Research at Oniris

[Translate to English:] Pousse d'une flore microbienne